The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of JOC: Can it work for me and how?
Most NASFA attendees now have some knowledge or perceptions of Job Order Contracting (JOC) and it's benefits. Some of those experiences or perceptions are Good, some Bad and some -- downright UGLY!
This presentation will educate the attendee on the basics of how Job Order Contracting (JOC) is SUPPOSED to work and to discuss what can and has gone wrong and why. But most importantly, to give attendees solid ideas on how they can fix some of the Bad and Ugly in JOC programs they've seen or experienced.
Glenn Kornbrek, AIA, Deputy Executive Director, Department of Finance and Administration for the State of Mississippi started a JOC program for the State from scratch in 2021 after extensive research. Glen is an architect by training and a NASFA member.
Mike Coberley, Executive Director with Brown & Root, has been in the engineering / construction industry for over 35 years. He has been working with Job Order Contracting for over 17 years with published articles and has presented on JOC at numerous tradeshows and conferences. Also, Mike is a member of the International Association of Business Communicators and is certified as a Facilities Management Professional with IFMA.
Rick Farrag, PE, PMP has more than 35 years of experience in the construction industry, specifically in Job Order Contracting, and is the Vice President for On-Call Construction at Brown & Root. He holds an MS degree in Engineering Management and BS degree in Architectural Engineering. Rick has authored and co-authored several published articles in the subject of JOC. He has also presented on JOC at several trade organizations and participated in providing professional training. He is a Past Industry Chair at the Center for JOC Excellence (CJE).