Electric Fleet Vehicles & Infrastructure 


Where is your state on the road to electric vehicle fleet vehicles and charging infrastructure? Whether you are just beginning or well on the path, we want to hear from you. Come learn from Michigan and California about their processes, where they are at, and challenges. Bring questions and prepare to share from your state’s experiences.



Jennifer Brennan, Chief/Transportation Manager, Office of Sustainability – Clean Transportation Unit, California Department of General Services   jennifer.brennan@dgs.ca.gov

Hye Joo, Assistant Chief, California Department of General Services, Office of Fleet & Asset Management   hye.joo@dgs.ca.gov

Eric Mayes, Parking Administrator Manager, California Department of General Services, Office of Fleet & Asset Management   eric.mayes@dgs.ca.gov


Sarah Goodrich, Energy and Climate Strategies, State Facilities Administration, Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget   goodrichs@michigan.gov

Sherri Irwin C.P.A. ICO, Office of Support Services, Director Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget   irwins@michigan.gov

Ric Martin, Program Strategies & Solutions Director, State Facilities Administration, Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget   martinr3@michigan.gov

Michael A. Turnquist, Senior Deputy Director, Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget   turnquistm@michigan.gov

 *NOTE: NASFA Chats and roundtable style discussions are not recorded, in order to allow participants to speak openly.


Life Safety in a Hybrid Work Environment


Rethinking Your Approach — Statewide FCA Program