National Conference & Expo
May 18-21, 2025
Salt Lake City, Utah

Call for Presentations

Share Your Expertise: Submit a Speaking Proposal Today

You are invited to submit a proposal to present at the National Association of State Facilities Administrators (NASFA) National Conference & Expo, being held May 18-21, 2025 in Salt Lake City, Utah.

The sessions will facilitate dialogue on ways to provide and improve general facility administration. We anticipate offering  presentations that focus on issues faced by the department of transportation, real estate, natural resources, and capitol restoration and preservation.

NASFA invites professionals from all types of organizations, as well as those who are working in the private sector, to submit proposals. We highly recommend presentations be based on case studies or real world examples. Preference will be given to public sector presenters or private sector presenters who partner with a public sector representative.  

The selection committee's goal is to develop the preliminary program no later than the end of the 2024 calendar year. Presentation submitters will be notified soon after.

Potential Topics —

We are looking for cutting edge, best practices, or "out-of-the-box" presentations (but all topics are welcome). If you have contacts you can recommend for speakers, please submit that information too! Proposals should be an outline or abstract of the presentation; final submission deadlines will be communicated if/when you are selected.

  1. Hybrid Work (all aspects)

  2. Workforce Recruitment & Retention of All Levels of Employees

  3. Alternative Delivery Methods

  4. Incorporating Technology into the Building Environment & Workplace

  5. Deferred Maintenance - Total Cost of Ownership

  6. Maintenance/Management Software Systems

  7. Own vs. Lease Cost Analysis; Space Management Software & Other Real Estate Related Topics

  8. Capital Budgeting - Negotiation, Contracts, Budgeting, & Strategic Planning

  9. Sustainability (all aspects)

  10. Environmental Standards, Policies & Requirement

  11. Other topics with issues relating to:

    • Natural Resources

    • Historic Buildings

    • Department of Transportation

    • Real Estate

    • Universities

Submission Guidelines

  • Topics

    Presentations should relate to a facilities management area or general state administration: operations & maintenance, architecture & engineering, construction planning, department of transportation, real estate, leasing, contracting, capitol restoration general facilities management, building design, construction and maintenance, information technology, and additional business services. However, other areas of state management issues are welcome. Presentation submissions from the private sector are highly encouraged to include a presentation/participation from a public sector representative. Public sector representatives can be anyone from a state, city, university, municipalities or similar organizations.

  • Submission of Presentation Materials

    Audiovisual presentations and other materials for each session will be made available on NASFA’s website and/or conference app prior to the conference. If your presentation is accepted you agree to provide NASFA with a copy of your audiovisual presentation and other materials electronically three (3) weeks in advance of the conference.

  • Expenses

    Presenters are required to register for the conference and cover all travel and lodging expenses. A reduced registration fee will be offered to presenters. Discounted amount will be determined in the very near future. Only list co-presenters who understand the expenses involved and have given you a definite commitment they will co-present with you. Conference registration fees cover program related food and beverage, plus conference materials. The hotel rate is $189.00 single or double occupancy, plus tax.

  • Length of Presentation

    Presentations will range in time between 5, 10, 20, or 45 minutes depending on the quality of proposals and time allotted. Panels may be created from two or more of the submitted proposals if topics are similar.

  • Number of Session Participants

    Anticipated attendance is 75-125 attendees for general sessions and 45-60 attendees for in-person concurrent sessions.

  • In-Person Room Set-Up

    Meeting rooms for both general and concurrent sessions will be set-up classroom style or U-shape, so presenters should plan accordingly.

  • Presentation Guidelines

    Presentations should NOT be sales pitches or training sessions. We are looking for cutting edge, best practices, and government project-related presentations. Presentations should be based on case studies or real world examples.

    NASFA strongly encourages private sector presentations include a presentation and participation from a public sector representative. Public Sector is defined as an employee representing state, federal, county, municipality, university or any other such public entity.

  • Contact Person

    It is very important that whomever is listed as the contact person take the responsibility to communicate with all co-presenters regarding all correspondence concerning the conference.

Submission Instructions

  • Submit your proposal online, using this link.

    On the submission form, you will be asked to provide:

    • Suggested topic area

    • Presentation title -- this information will be used in the printed program

    • Session abstract (a maximum of 80 words that describes your presentation and what people will learn). NOTE: this description will be placed in the printed program

    • Importance of the topic to state facilities management

    • Professional expertise of session presenter(s) (a paragraph of 80 words maximum for each presenter describing their relevance to the presentation)

    • Name, title, address, telephone, and e-mail address for each presenter.

    [Please prepare a concise and thorough response; it affects the scoring of your proposal.]

  • Members of the Education Committee will review the proposals. Preference will be given to proposals that integrate and synthesize multiple management areas and reflect the innovative spirit of the conference theme. Proposals are also evaluated on clarity, content significance, timeliness, problem-solving methods, originality, and presenter expertise. Preference will also be given to NASFA members. Space availability, presenter mix, and presentation type may also be considered.

  • The Education Committee's goal is to make selections and develop the preliminary program no later than the end of the 2024 year. The submitters will be notified soon after.

  • Proposals must be submitted no later than the deadline of SEPTEMBER 30, 2024 at 11:59pm Pacific Time

    You can submit your proposal via this link.

  • If you have questions or need any assistance submitting send an email to

Share your expertise! Submit a presentation proposal today —